Action RPG Project

  • 3rd person, combat-focused

  • 6 distinct enemy AI types

  • modular equipment system

  • developed in Unreal Engine 4

A demo length, third-person action RPG focused on Souls-like combat and systems. Players awake with nothing in the depths of a dungeon, and fight their way to the surface and beyond, collecting stat-improving weapons and modular armor pieces as they progress, culminating in a boss enemy encounter.

Features 6 total enemy AI classes, each with distinct models, animations, and behaviors. These include basic archetypes such as zombie-like Ghouls and skeletal Swordsmen, as well as ranged Archers and fast-moving, dodge-heavy twin-dagger wielding Rogues. It also features one “heavy / mini-boss” type - a bestial Wendigo - in addition to the large, greatsword wielding Skeletal Warrior boss.

In genre fashion, praying at idol statues heals the player, saves their progress, refills their health flasks, and respawns enemies. The player has both an automatic soft-lock and manual hard lock-on targeting system at their disposal, as well as blocking, side-stepping, and rolling defensive options. In addition to traditional “poise” mechanics, a “posture-break” system allows the player to perform various instant-kill finishing moves on stunned enemies - rewarding aggressive play.


NewGame+ Customizer for DOOM (2016)


Survival Horror Project