DOOM (2016) NG+ Customizer

  • Custom simulated "new game plus" mod generation utility for DOOM (2016)

  • Creates a user-defined .decl file which the game reads at new game start, modifying parameters

  • Written in Python

A mod utility program that generates a .decl file (idTech file format) for DOOM (2016) to read from at new game start, allowing the user to simulate a “new game plus” feature by starting with most any desired combination of inventory items (equipment, weapons) and player upgrades already acquired.

It also allows the user to bypass a typical in-game restriction on how many of a particular type of perk/upgrade they’re allowed to utilize at once (i.e., any number of “runes” can be equipped instead of the default limit of three).

Built to be friendly to a non-technical user, with automatic generation of the mod file and placement into the correct directory. Adjustments / regeneration of the mod file will also replace any previously generated instances. Hovering over any inventory element will yield a tooltip message with an in-game description, for ease of use.

The program also validates the user’s chosen configuration based on certain restrictions (e.g., certain elements can only be “upgraded” if they’re also “unlocked”, while others can be “preemptively” upgraded) from the game itself, and presents pop-up messages explaining any such behavior.




Action RPG Project